No Deal, No Appeal: A Case for Amending the UK's Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Bill

No Deal, No Appeal: A Case for Amending the UK's Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Bill

The long-awaited Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Bill (‘the Bill’), the legislation making provision for a post-Brexit immigration system, is finally before Parliament.

IPPR Report: Brexit and the UK’s environmental ambitions



Report by the Institute for Public Policy Research. Reposted with permission- originally published here.

The post-Brexit relationship between the UK and the EU will play a key role in shaping the UK’s future environmental ambitions. The UK’s current environmental and climate policy framework is underpinned by a swathe of EU legislation, robust governance structures, and considerable funding and financing opportunities. Once the UK leaves the EU, these relationships could change significantly.

In this report, IPPR identify four main alternatives for the UK’s future relationship with the EU after Brexit and assess their implications for environmental policy.

IPPR’s analysis suggests that the closer the relationship between the UK and the EU, the stronger the safeguards for maintaining EU-derived environmental protections.

Read the full report here.