Our Work

The primary role of the Civil Society Alliance is to act as a capacity builder, facilitator, and enabler by facilitating and coordinating the sharing of information, and expertise. We will help shape the policy agenda to focus on the issues of concern identified by our member organisations where we can add value and amplify the voices and concerns across UK civil society.

    • The coordination of the civil society voices across the UK, exploring current, anticipated, and evolving policy developments.

    • The facilitation of physical and virtual events for the purposes of sharing information, views, education, and expertise.

    • The provision of platforms for civil society voices within Westminster, including providing evidence to Select Committees; meetings with MPs; and briefing events.

    • The collection, dissemination and exchange of Civil Society Alliance generated and/or members’ research and relevant information, with and between members and, where appropriate, other bodies having similar objectives.

    • The coordination of joint campaigns and lobbying efforts where appropriate.

    • Sharing information, knowledge and expertise on specific issues that are likely to be of interest to the wider membership, including upcoming Parliamentary debates; draft Bills of concern; consultations requiring response; and upcoming EU legislation of relevance to UK civil society.

    • Highlighting opportunities for coordination of communications and collaborative research, including case studies that illustrate the practical implications of policy developments on civil society organisations.

    • Supporting and participating in shared campaigns or initiatives directed towards the realisation of Civil Society Alliance objectives and principles.



Democracy and Law making: Delegated Legislation

Democracy and Law Making: Retained EU Law

CSA explainer video on YouTube

Democracy and Law making: Setting High Standards for the UK

Democracy and Law making: Henry VIII Powers


Civil Society Alliance Reports

External Reports

Setting high standards for the UK


Additional resources are also available for community members and in the BCSA Archive.