


All briefings produced by the Brexit Civil Society Alliance can be found here: 


A No Deal Brexit: impacts on rights, standards, governance and transparent lawmaking



The Repeal Bill Alliance's
Alternative Brexit White Paper 



Brexit & Civil Society



Scanning the Brexit Horizon
What to expect in the next
nine months



Briefing to peers
ahead of Third Reading 


Briefing ahead of ping-pong: 
Protecting parliamentary
sovereignty and fundamental
rights in the
EU Withdrawal Bill  



House of Lords Briefing:
Report Stage Day 5
by the Repeal Bill Alliance 



House of Lords Briefing:
Report Stage Day 2 



Report Stage
Briefing for peers 



House of Lords Briefing on the
EU (Withdrawal) ahead of
Second reading 



Report Stage briefing for MPs:
Amending the
EU (Withdrawal) Bill 



Lords briefing:
The EU (Withdrawal) Bill 



Amending the EU (Withdrawal) Bill
to protect and uphold the
devolution settlements 



The Repeal Bill and Wales 



Amending the Repeal Bill 



Brexit, Parliament and the
Repeal Bill 