Seizing the Opportunity: The case for embracing civil society's role in democracy

For too long decision making has lacked transparency, been too centralised, and failed to recognise and represent those who will be on the receiving end of Government policy.

This report comes at a time when it is vital for those in power to hear from those they are elected to serve. As the UK responds to the Covid-19 pandemic, creates it’s post-Brexit trade policy, and seeks to implement the levelling-up agenda, policies must be shaped around the needs and views of those they will impact. Outside of policy formation, attacks on judicial review, human rights, and the ability of civil society organisations to be politically active present a dangerous attack on democracy and must be reversed.

Our new report, aims to provide a way forward, setting out the structural and cultural shifts that are required to truly include the voices of civil society organisations in democratic and policy-making process.

We have also provided an advocacy toolkit for organisations: setting out how to ask for meaningful engagement and what organisations can do to combat encroachments on civic space.

Download the report , executive summary, and advocacy toolkit below: